User manual
Hikvision AX Pro alarm system

The Hub can be connected to the Hikvision Cloud in various ways. The Hub Low can use an Ethernet cable, Wifi and/or 2G SIM card. The Hub Medium also has the option to connect to 3G and 4G networks. If you do not have internet access at the location where you want to install Hikvision AX Pro, please make sure that the SIM card you use supports 2G, as 2G networks are slowly disappearing in Europe. For maximum uptime, we recommend the Hub Medium in locations without wired internet or WiFi. If wired internet and/or Wifi are available, the use of a SIM card is almost superfluous, as it would only be used in case the wired internet does not work anymore.

In this manual, we assume that you connect the Hub with an Ethernet cable, as this is the most reliable connection. If necessary, you can add your own Wi-Fi signal. Please note that the Ethernet cable is not supplied with the Hikvision Hub. If you don’t have one left at home, order it separately as an extra.

Download hik-connect

Installing the system starts with downloading the right app on your smartphone.

Apple users can easily find it in the Appstore if they search for Hik-Connect.

Hik-Connect app downloaden

Android users should scan the QR code with their smartphone that is located on the packaging of the Hub. Always choose the Hik-Connect for users QR code on the left. Unless you are an installer and want to transfer the system to the customer’s phone later, then choose the right hand side code for installers.

Once the app is installed on the phone, an account can be created. This will need no further explanation, as everyone has done this before if they own a smartphone.


Installing the hub

Remove the cover of the Hub with a screwdriver and connect the power and Ethernet cable to your router.

Switch on the Hub with the switch on the inside of the Hub. Wait until the Hub has started up, and then scan the QR code on the inside of the Hub with your phone, after you have clicked on add device in the Hik-Connect app. After scanning, the Hub is already directly linked to your account if you have connected the Hub with Ethernet and chose Ethernet during the setup.

If you want to use WiFi instead of Ethernet, choose WiFi connection during setup, and keep the password of your own WiFi network handy, as you will be asked to connect the Hub to your own wireless network.

WiFi instellen

The Hikvision Hub temporarily broadcasts its own WiFi network during initial installation. This is also called an Access Point. The name of this temporary WiFi network starts with HAP and then a number of letters and/or numbers. You should first enter your own WiFi password when prompted in the Hik-Connect app, and then connect to the Hub’s temporary WiFi password. The software will then program your WiFi network into the Hub, so that you can connect to your own network wirelessly via WiFi. During a first installation, the access point of the Hub is switched on by default. If this is not the first time you are connecting the Hub, or if there is another reason why you cannot see the WiFi network of the Hub when searching for WiFi networks, you can also manually reactivate the access point by briefly pressing the reset button on the inside of the Hub. A voice from the Hub will confirm the status of the access point.

Attach the cover of the Hub to the wall at the location where you would like the Hub to be fixed, and then slide the Hub onto the cover.

Now most of the work is actually done, as the rest of the detectors are completely wireless and battery operated. It’s almost time to connect the detectors, sirens and remote controls. But first this.

Setting the system in your own language

The Hub has a built-in speaker that can provide support during installation or use. It can, for example, confirm commands or alert in the event of an alarm. The Hub speaks dozens of languages, including Dutch. However, this needs to be selected in the Hub settings. Once you click on the AX Pro Hub in the Hik-Connect app, you’ll see a hexagonal symbol in the top right corner that takes you to the settings. Go through the settings menu one by one to get familiar with the system. One of the settings is changing the language. Select Dutch, and the system will reboot to welcome you in Dutch.

Always check if the Hub is equipped with the most recent software, by clicking on maintenance and device version. This will check the software and update it if necessary.

Connect all products

The registration of the various system components can be done in two ways. By means of the QR code that can be found on the inside of each device. Or through the “enroll”-method which can be found in the menu system and then system options, on the right. If you enable the enrollment function, any device that you turn on in the vicinity of the Hub will be paired automatically. This is by far the simplest method of connecting all detectors and other products to your system.


The alternative is to scan the QR code of each product you want to connect. When logging in to the Hub, you initially hit the plus sign in the top right corner of the Hik-Connect app. Registering the detectors on the Hub is done in the following way:

In the Hik-Connect app, you will see AX PRO listed under “my devices”. Click on it.

Mijn apparaten

Next, you will see an image of the Hub on the screen with 3 choices below it:
Zone, Device and Status.


In the zone tab, you will see “Area 1” with the message disabled. You can create additional areas by clicking on the plus sign, so that you can later connect detectors to them to enable or disable certain rooms/areas.

Zone - Gebieden


The second tab, Devices, shows which devices are linked to which area. Because this is the first time we are linking a device / detector, no detectors are listed here yet. By default, all detectors in all areas are visible, but you can also choose to display only the detectors from a particular zone / area. You can switch to the different zones you have created in the left tab.

By clicking on the plus sign, you can scan the QR code of any device and then switch it on/activate it within 30 seconds. You do this with all the devices you want to pair.

You will then see all registered devices listed. You can see the status of each device at a glance, including the battery charge and the reception strength. If you click on any product, detector, remote control, siren, or whatever, you can then set further requirements in the settings of that product.


The third and last tab shows the status of the AX PRO system. Here you find the status of the main power supply, Ethernet, Wifi and the mobile network. You can also see the battery status of the backup battery that is located in the Hub to keep the system running in case of power failure. A few hours after initial setup, it will be 100% charged. The wireless sound level constantly monitors if the wireless signal the detectors are working on is not intentionally disturbed. Because then it is time to find out who is doing this and what plans that person has.

Status AX Pro

This concludes the discussion of the 3 tabs of the AX PRO device.

Device / detector status

You can not only see the status of the whole system, but also the status per detector, per device. If we go back to the middle Device tab, we get back to the list of connected devices. Each detector or other device has its own settings. By clicking on any device, e.g. Wireless zone 1, and then clicking on the hexagonal icon, you go to the settings of that specific device.

For instance, you can enter the sensitivity and any entry delay for the detectors, and set the volume and duration for the sirens. There are a lot of possibilities, so we are sure that your wishes can be implemented easily.

A status example of a PIR looks like this:

Status PIR

Here you can immediately see the condition of the device.
By clicking on the icon on the top right, you will go to the settings of the device.

settings internal pir detector

One of the most commonly used devices is the PIR for indoor use. We will therefore use this as an example to show which settings can be chosen.

We have connected the PIR as the second device to the Hub and therefore it has automatically been given the name Wireless Zone 2. The PIRCAM was our first device and in our example is called Wireless zone 1. Of course, the names of the detectors can be changed to any name in the detector settings. It is therefore more logical to use names such as Living room or Kitchen / Bedroom.

In the settings you see the following options:

Instellingen PIR

Zone number:
2, because we registered this detector as second.

Linked area:
Here you set which zone or areas this detector should work in. You can also select multiple areas so you have more flexibility in when a detector should do its work.

Zone type:
Direct zone, or delay zone or 24-hour zone or disabled. Direct speaks for itself, when detected an alarm will follow immediately. The delay zone allows you to set the entry delay time, the exit delay time, and the power-on delay time. A 24 hour zone means that an alarm will always be triggered when detection is detected, even if the whole system is switched off.

Activate presence bypass:
You can activate this as you wish.

Do not allow bridging on power-up:
You can activate this yourself as you wish. If enabled, this detector cannot be bypassed. If you switch the system on, this detector will always be on.

If enabled, you can choose whether the siren sound produces a single tone or a sustained tone.

Silent alarm:
The name says it all, the siren will not sound if this detector senses anything, only a notification on your phone will appear. All connected sirens remain silent.

Siren delay time:
Here you set after how many seconds the siren should sound after a this detector has detected something. The default setting is 0 seconds, so that the siren will sound immediately.

Double Knock:
This is where you set the detector to only send an alarm if two detections are detected within the set number of seconds. If, for some reason, you want the siren to sound only when the detector has detected two detections within, say, 30 seconds, then set this to 30 seconds.

Cross zone:
Generates an alarm only if this detector together with another detector detects something within a number of seconds.

Camera link:
The Hub Medium can store images from 4 cameras locally. If the detector detects movement, you can specify here which image from which camera you want to see at the time of detection. For example, if you have a motion detector in the hallway by the front door and a camera outside aimed at the front door, it can be very useful information if this detector senses movement to see the images immediately prior to the front door alarm. This is where you link the camera to a particular detector.

High, automatic or pet. Automatic is selected by default. If you have pets weighing up to 30 kilograms, you can set the detector here to pet. If, for some reason, you want a higher sensitivity than the standard, you can set it to high.

Is on by default. When detection is detected, the LED on the sensor lights up as an extra sign of detection.

Swinger limit activation:
Defaults to 3. Each motion detector emits dozens of small detection lines. When interrupting 3 detection lines, the detector will generate an alarm. If you want a less sensitive detection, you can increase this number. This can be useful for large pets that might otherwise trigger a false alarm.

Supervision frequency:
All devices are checked by the Hub for proper operation, and also send their status back to the Hub. This is called two-way communication, and is checked every 1 to 30 minutes at each detector. How often you want the detector to be checked is set here. The default setting is every 5 minutes.

In addition to the above settings, you can also perform a signal strength test and a detection zone test on each detector. To easily distinguish a detector from the rest, you can activate the “find me” option per detector in the settings, which makes the detector’s light blink for 3 minutes so you can easily find it among all your devices in the house.

Finally, there is the option to override the detector. If enabled, the detector will not operate under any circumstances. This can be useful in case of a detected defect. The rest of the system can then continue to do its work reliably and you will not be disturbed by any false alarms from this detector.

So far the settings of the normal PIR are discussed.

settings ax pro

On the top right, you will see a hexagonal symbol to access the Hub’s settings.

Mijn apparaten

On this page you see the name of the system, standard AX PRO, and below it the model number of the Hub you have purchased, the serial number and the software version.

Below that are a number of menu options, which we will discuss one by one.



settings ax pro
User management:

Subdivided into User and Card/Tag

If you click on user you will see your own account, you are the first user. If you click on the user, you will see the rights this user has.

Toetsenbord code instellen

Because you are the main user, you can do most of the things yourself. In these settings you can change the code tableau password for each user, and change the constraint code. You can also see here which Tag and remote control are linked to a particular user.

By clicking on the plus sign in the top right-hand corner, you can create additional users so that you can distinguish who is operating the alarm system.

Gebruiker toevoegen

Under the user management menu, you will also find the item Pass/Tag. Here you can scan tags via the tag reader located in the Hub medium, or use a separate tag reader.

settings ax pro

Subdivided into Configuration and System Options

Under configuration you set the language of the device, for Dutch you choose Dutch. The time zone for the Netherlands must be set to UTC+01:00 and depending on whether or not summer time is active, you must activate DST.

Under system options you have a number of tabs with system management, panel failure check, power-on options and Enroll.


Under the System Administration tab, you will see the following options. Forced auto power on indicates whether the system should be automatically powered on with errors.

System status report indicates whether the system should report the system status.

Speech prompt, which indicates whether the notifications from the speaker of the Hub may be displayed. Below that, the slider bar indicates from position 0 to 10 how loud the volume from the Hub should be.

Audible tampering alarm specifies whether a tampering attempt should be heard from the Hub through the speaker.

Alarm duration indicates the duration of the alarm from the Hub speaker.

Supervision error indicates the number of times a detector should report if something is wrong. If bridging on reactivation is activated, the faulty detector will be bridged and will not be reactivated until the fault has been resolved.

Checking for panel faults

The following options can be enabled and disabled:

– Detect network camera loss of connection

– panel battery fault check

– LAN failure check

– Wifi failure check

– Mobile network failure check

In addition, you can set the number of seconds after which a power failure should be reported. The default setting is 10 seconds.

Controle op paneelstoringen

Enabling options

You can indicate whether you want to allow activation with errors. If you do, you can specify what to detect and what not to detect:

– Device cover open
– Zone / peripheral failure / offline
– Battery low
– Zone activated
– Power supply failure
– Communication fault

Then you can choose whether the power-on indicator should remain lit. And whether you accept error messages at power-up or power-down. If ticked, the system may be switched on with errors.

Inschakel opties


If “Enroll” is activated, you can pair new detectors/devices just by switching them on. This allows you to skip scanning the QR code of the device.


settings ax pro
network cam:

We will skip the menu item network camera in the AX PRO Hub settings, as this only applies if separate cameras are connected to the alarm system. If you want more information about this, please contact us by telephone.

settings ax pro

Here you can see the areas that have been created.
You can set the following for each area:

– Automatic switch on, enter time

– Switch off automatically, enter time

– Late with deactivation, enter time late with deactivation

– Weekend exceptions, enter the days of the week that this area will not be included.

– Excepted holidays, enter the start and end dates of the holidays.

Scenario per gebied

settings ax pro
Communication parameters:

Divided into the menu items Mobile data network settings, Push messages, Control room, and Check balance.

Mobile data network settings:
Here you fill in whether you wish to use the SIM card capabilities in the Hub, If you already have Ethernet and Wifi in use, a SIM card is actually unnecessary, and only brings additional costs.

Push messages:
Configurable for control room, App or Phone call and SMS.

Alarm center:
For the settings of the control room you need to subscribe. This is optional. In this manual, we assume that you will respond to incoming burglar alarms via your smartphone.

Push messages via the APP:
Here you set up what all you want to receive a notification of on your mobile phone.


Phone call and SMS:
If you are using a SIM card in the Hub, you can enter the phone numbers here that the Hub should contact.

Alarm center settings:
Optional, will not be discussed further in this manual.

Check balance:
This is only important if you are using a prepaid/call credit SIM card. It allows you to check the remaining credit. If the SIM card is the only communication channel, and you therefore do not use Ethernet or Wifi, we advise against using prepaid SIM cards. If you run out of credit and an actual burglary takes place, you will not be warned in time.

settings ax pro

Reboot device and check device version. Here you will find any available software updates to upgrade the system.

settings ax pro

Many people choose to connect the Hub via an internet cable, and then forget to connect the WiFi as well. No problem, this can still be done at any time, even as the very last step.

If the Hub is not yet connected to WiFi, but you do have a wireless network at your disposal, you can connect it. Please make sure that you select the right network and enter the correct password.

WiFi instellen


keypad / control panel

In addition to using a remote control to operate the system, many people also choose to use a keyboard. This keyboard has several possibilities.

You can set the area to which switching on and off applies. Whether the function buttons are active or not, for example, to manually generate a fire alarm. And you can set whether you want to activate the alarm with or without a code. Switching off always has to be done with a code of course, but switching on without your own user code is safe and fast. With just one push of a button, you can turn on the alarm. In addition, the keypad can also sound a soft buzzer in the event of an alarm, and the keys are illuminated during use.

Activating the keypad is as follows: Press 2 fingers simultaneously on any digit and a light and sound signal will indicate that the keyboard has been activated. Now you can perform the desired action.

Instellingen toetsenbord


The assembly and operating instructions of the keyboard:

Toetsenbord handleiding


Some products discussed in more detail:

pir Curtain detector

The PIR Curtain is not intended to secure an entire room. Where the normal PIR has a detection angle of almost 90 degrees, the PIR Curtain only has 6,3 degrees. This allows you to secure a very specific area of a room.

For example, if you mount the PIR Curtain parallel to a window frame, you can walk around freely in the entire room when the alarm is on, and the detector will only respond if you come close to the window. This can be useful if you want to be able to move freely in a certain room at night, but you want immediate detection if someone climbs through an open window, for example.

Another advantage of this PIR Curtain is that it can also be mounted higher than the standard 2.4 metres height of other indoor detectors. The PIR Curtain can be mounted up to 3.6 metres high to still be able to detect properly. All mounting heights between 2.4 and 3.6 metres are therefore suitable.

A short manual of the PIR Curtain:

Hikvision PIR Curtain handleiding Nederlands


smoke detector

A smoke detector warns of a fire at a very early stage, which can really save lives. Therefore, it is mandatory in Europe to have at least one smoke detector on each floor of every home.

The Hikvision smoke detector is connected like any other device in the AX PRO system by turning it on during the activated teach/unwrap function, or by simply scanning the QR code. The smoke detector has its own siren, but will also sound all connected sirens when activated. The smoke detector can therefore work completely stand-alone. The service life of a smoke detector is always 10 years. The Hikvision smoke detector has a powerful built-in battery that cannot be replaced.

The status overview of the smoke detector is as follows:

Hikvision rookmelder statusoverzicht


The settings overview of the smoke detector looks like this:

Hikvision rookmelder instellingen overzicht

Wireless Zone 3 is the name created automatically because we have connected this detector here as the 3rd device to the Hub. Of course, it is wise to change this name to the location where this smoke detector will be mounted, for example, Bedroom or Hallway. This way, when the alarm is activated, you immediately know in which room there is a fire risk.

A smoke detector is always on once it is switched on, regardless of the status of the alarm system itself. The detector will therefore alert you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to all forms of smoke in the relevant installation room. That’s why the device list in the app also shows a symbol with the number 24 in it, to clarify that this detector is active at any time of the day.

The installation and operating instructions of the smoke detector:

Hikvision rookmelder handleiding Nederlands

keyfob / remote control

The remote control of Hikvision is also called Keyfob. It has a range of 1200 metres in open space, which in practice means that you can use it to switch the system on and off all along the street in your own home, but not only. Thanks to the two function buttons, you can also switch electrical appliances, open gates or doors fitted with a Hikvision relay, or report an emergency such as a robbery or medical accident.

If the entrance gate to your driveway is equipped with a Hikvision relay, you can use the remote control to open the gate. This way you only need one remote control to operate all your gates and your alarm system.

The status overview of the Keyfob looks like this:


Hikvision Keyfob statusoverzicht

The function key settings of the Keyfob look like this:

Instellingenoverzicht Hikvision Keyfob

Because you can not only activate a control under the 2 function keys but also activate other controls by pressing 2 keys at the same time, you get even more possibilities with only 1 remote control.

As you can see, there are a total of 6 additional possibilities in addition to switching the alarm system on and off, i.e. you can program 6 different functions that you can all do with 1 remote control. For example, if you want to open 6 different gates that are all equipped with their own Hikvision relay, then this is possible with one and the same remote control.

Each time the Keyfob is used, the system will check if the battery has enough power to last several times. If the battery needs to be replaced, this will be reported in time in the Hik-Connect app. Are you looking for replacement batteries for your Hikvision AX PRO system? You can find them in our webshop in the batteries category.

Each Keyfob is linked to a particular user. In the “status overview” image shown, the telephone number of the user in this example has been removed for privacy reasons. So in your own situation, the name or phone number of the user you assign to this remote control will be shown here. So you can always see in the app who operated the system with which remote control.

The Keyfob manual:

Hikvision Keyfob handleiding Nederlands

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